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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fun With DIY Cooking

Recently, Kaden had found clips of adults / kids trying out the Popin DIY Japanese Cooking Set. He showed them to me and I was quite impressed with it, The Popin DIY Japanese Cooking Set varies from ice cream set, bento set, donut set, cookie set, cup cake set and lots more... 

I was pretty impressed with the clips and the Japanese who came up with these. Hence, I went to search online to see if I can buy the sets anywhere locally for Kaden to try them out personally.

Results of search : There were lots of people selling these sets online but I finally found one online company that bring these sets in from Japan, and deposit them in various shops, in shopping centres around Singapore. Nex actually has one such shop, where my sis helped to make the purchase. 

OMG, these Popin DIY Japanese Cooking Set really don't come cheap. 
5 boxes of the Popin DIY Japanese Cooking Set actually costs me S$50.... @_@ lllllll

I opened one set (the ice cream) for Kaden to try his hands on. He was so so happy. 

Here's my review of the set...
The content is quite little for $10 a box...The **ingredient** are just the right size for my Kaden... The instructions on the box are all in Japanese but can rely on the pictures at the back of the box. It is good enough. Being the kiasu me, I even on the you tube video clips and followed the instruction. Most importantly, Kaden is super excited and happy. 

Conclusion, I must say this is $$ well spent. 

However, I am not going to let Kaden finished all the $50 in a single day. Since I will be at home for 4 months, I shall engage Kaden in DIY cooking every weekend... Ke ke ke...

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