Day 5 : Disney Land + HKD to SGD
Location : Disney Land Hollywood Hotel
Kaden woke up chirpy… Greeted all of us “Morning”…
It must be the Disney “BUG: that is making him so happy…
We took a quick breakfast, and started to pack. After packing, we swiftly check out and soon, we were on our way to Disney Land again.

At Disney Land, we decided to take things easier. 1st, we went for our lunch. We decided to have yum cha. Thumbs up for the food again. After lunch, we visited the gift shop… Tried out many different hat & hairbands, and posed to take pictures with them… it was hilarious…

After that, we checked with the workers at Disney Land where to find Pooh Bear, so that we can take a pic with him. We were told that all the characters will be at Fantasy Garden for photography. Wasting no time, Dear & I decided to bring Kaden to queue for the photography session. Kaden, I must say is very corporative.
We managed to snap shots with Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Pooh Bear and Duffy Bear. We missed the photography session with Tigger but never mind, this will give us an excuse to visit Disney Land for a 2nd time…

We took family photos (just us & Kaden) and Kaden alone with the characters.. We din managed to view the photos taken with Pooh Bear as we needed to rush to the airport… Again, an excuse to visit Disney Land for a 2nd time…
The photos were simply splendid…
Before we moved off, we visited the gift shop again and this time, we made a shopping spree… Ended up with
- 3 Mickey Mouse T-shirts for Kaden
- 1 Mickey Mouse Top for Mummy Ting
- 1 Mickey Mouse Top for Daddy Wei
- 1 Mickey Mouse Top for Grandma
- 1 Pair of Mickey Mouse Slippers
- Another 4 8R photos, taken with the Mickey Mouse and Duffy Bear
Location : HongKong International Airport
About 3plus, we made our way to the airport via 1 cabby… Can you imagine 4 adults + 1 kid + 2 big luggage + 1 small luggage + 1 stroller… All squeezed into one cab… Salute the taxi uncle…
At the airport, we grabbed some food and beer… Also, we did some last minute shopping of local products… Kaden slept throughout the journey from Disney Land to the airport, and just before we boarded the plane, he woke up… So can you imagine an active baby on board of the plane, on our way back… Sigh… tiring…
But for the journey back, all things went well.. no ear pressure for Kaden… in fact, he was happily eating away… and watching shows…
All in all, 5D4N HongKong ended well…
Our next firmed holiday is Bangkok…. In July 2011 (Yippe)
Plans for the 2nd half of the year : For us & Kaden, a KL trip + Genting, maybe?? Batam?? Not sure if my inlaws wanna join us but let’s assume they dun 1st… ke k eke, cos whether they joining or not, we are still planning to go… Maybe a trip just for Dear & 1 to Taipei?? Bali?? Phuket?? Well, still brainstorming…
Plans for next year: A trip to Perth or Melbourne, hopefully… If all things failed, we shall go back to Hong Kong… ha ha ha
Shall look forward to Bangkok 1st…
BANGKOK, Here we come…
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