Kaden turned 2 on 2nd Jun 2011…
We just touched down the day before from HKD so it was a rather lazy day for us on the 2nd…
But for the subsequent 2 days to come, it was happening for our little Kaden…
2nd June 2011
We went to the temple in the morning…
It was a monthly ritual, so nothing too special about it… But what was special was when Kaden was praying to the 四面佛…
When Kaden saw the elephants from the 四面佛, he started saying elephants, elephants, fly fly… He must have though he is still in HongKong Disney Land , and looking at Dumbo the Flying elephants… Cannot doubt his awareness, huh…
In the afternoon, we brought Kaden to Downtown East to meet & greet Po , the Kungfu Panda… Clever Mummy managed to grab a photo pass for Kaden to a snap with Po … we could have gotten a free 4R photo, if only Dear remember that I was an NTUC members…
**Hmpf… the worker was asking if Dear had NTUC card, and he simply said No… NTUC card entitled us to have our photo taken freely by the expert and a free 4R photo… Grrrrr*** Luckily, I had with me my digital camera…

That night we bought a small cake for Kaden… (**Din wanna to spend so much on a big one as we will be expecting one on Saturday**)
Kaden was excited and wanna eat it immediately…
So we out up the candle and started to sing “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” song.
Immediately, he sat back and started singing with us, clapping his hands…
After we finished, we told Kaden… “You can blow out the candle now”…
Within seconds, the fire on the candle is gone… and Kaden is happily clapping his hands…
My boy really loves singing Happy Birthday to himself and blowing out candles…
He was simply too fast and Dear din even manage to capture a proper picture of him… So funny…
3rd June 2011
We celebrated Kaden’s birthday again on 3rd June 2011. This time, it is with the Sunshine Gangs, where we celebrated Junie Bday too.
We had dinner at Friends Restaurant @ Jelita… It was a joyous occasion…
Kaden was no longer afraid of the sunshiners… he even played with them most of the time…
To our surprise, Kaden even allowed Junie to carry him for the Happy Birthday singing session + candle blowing session + cake cuttings session…
The sunshiners bought a big present for Kaden… Kaden loved it…
He was literally “protecting” it towards the end of the dinner as there were “evil” jie jie looming around, trying to lay their hands on the gift…
At home, we opened the present and it was something which Dear & I wanna bought for Kaden… The gift came just in time… It was a kid’s table + 2 chairs… Kaden loved it…
The pictures would tell the stories … Save me time & efforts from writing… ke ke ke