After tat frightful Sunday morning, it was confirmed that my waterbag was indeed leaking.. It din not burst, so there is no "big & strong" gush of water.. It was merely leaking.. And the funny part is, it only leak when I stand up.. but not when I'm lying down.. As such, I got instruction from Dr Adrian.. to CRIB until further scan to be done on baby... hmm, wat is CRIB.. Complete Rest In Bed... Opps.. can't go anywhere already... In the end, I was put on observation for that night.. was on drip all day.. so painful =(
Dr Adrian popped by on Monday morning.. Put me on waiting list to do an ultrascan to chk baby's status and waterbag condition.. He hope tat all is well and that I can "tahan" another week to wait till Kaden is at least 36 weeks.. Kaden as at Monday is all 35 weeks... Full term is @ 37 weeks.. Hopefully all will go well..
My ultrascan on Monday revealed all.. Kaden is a healthy baby while in Mummy tummy.. He weighs abt 2.4kg.. His organs are all well.. Only negative thingy is my waterbag level is almost zero.. which means the protective shield ard Kaden is almost gone..
Abt 4 plus to 5, Dr Adrian came into my ward and gave me 2 options...
Time of Delivery : Monday Nitz or Tuesday Morning (huh.. tat's fast.. was my immediate thought)
Mode of Delivery : C-Section.. Full GA or Half GA...(immediately i was like.. wat.. can't we do natural delivery)
Dr Adrian told me.. can't wait for next week.. cos waterbag level almost nil.. no protection over Kaden.. Kaden might be infected.. the earlier to deliver him, the better... No natural delivery cos my dilation of cervix is not ready for delivery yet... Plus for natural delivery, the water in the waterbag usually acts as a cushion when I push to deliver Kaden.. Now that my waterbag water level is almost nil.. I'll hv difficulty pushing him out..
So have to do a C-section.. Initially, Dr Adrian was like.. Okie.. let's do a half GA.. hubby be ready.. into the OT with wifey, camera ready.. baby come out and u can take pics..
We freaked out.. in the end, we decided to go for a full GA on Tuesday morning.. Monday nitz was a bit fast for me.. we are still coming to term that Kaden will be arriving 5 weeks earlier.. not going for half GA too.. can't imagine myself being opened up while I'm being "cut open"
So Kaden is expected to arrive on 2nd June.. scheduled time at 700am...

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