False ceiling is completely up in living room & master bedroom... Workmanship quite well done... The aircon pipings are well camouflaged into the false ceiling... Very happy abt it... Only outstanding false ceiling is along the passage way from the living room to the bedrooms... 加油... 加油...

The guy that we engaged to do up the curtains also came by on Saturday morning to take measurement of our windows... Mr Tay is recommended by our ID... Very satisfied with his services... Initially, we planned to engage someone from M'sia... but becos of the escape of the JI guy, we decided to give up on travelling to M'sai... Oso, we were too lazy... In the end, we decide to spend a little more to get work done... The extra $$ we forked out really brought along services... Mr Tay will bring everything to us @ our new hse, instead of us going all the way to his shop to meet him... Decided on day & night curtains for our living room... Roman blinds for all our 3 bedrooms... Roman blinds by default costs much more and we chose the kind for easy maintenance...so much more $$ involved... But dear & I liked the feel of the blinds... Can't wait to see the impact of our choice...
1 comment:
Yes it is a good idea of using roman blinds in mater bed room , windows.This is because
roman blindsare pleated fabric blinds that can be used to either increase privacy, block the sun or both. These are really nice blinds and very beautiful.
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