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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hurray.... Today is 16/04/2008

Hurray... 16/04/2008 is finally here... I just checked in online a while a go... So excited...

My flight is @ 10.55pm tonight... Will be gg home direct after work (muz make sure there is no OT!!!).... My parents are coming to pick me up @ 7plus... Will be gg to my new hse for last min check... Then we'll proceed to airport for dinner =P

Dear texted me @ abt 1.30pm Sinapore timing yesterday... He just reached Amsterdam... It was cold there, abt 4 degrees... @ abt 7pm last night, dear text me again... He just touched down Athens... Temperature was okie, ranging between 11 to 20degress...Will be quite cooling... But the flight journey... What a long flight... He called me abt 8.30pm Sinapore timing after settling down in the hotel... This will be the timing that I'll reach Athens too... I'll be alone too...

Going to brainstorm later what I'm gg to do while transitting @ Amsterdam... okie... gg to start work now...had to finish all my reports before 5 this evening... muz 加油... =P... Hope I can find time to blog while @ airport too =P

1 comment:

Jinny said...


Have a good trip. Gonna miss reading new updates on your blog for the next few days. Upload lotsa pictures when you are back yah.

Have fun!