So excited... Here's what we noticed...
~ The temporary construction office is removed.. meaning no more major construction wk to be done..
~ The temporary barrier to the surrounding is also removed... Hip Hip Hurray
~ Staircase and lifts still out of bound to outsider...
~ Touch up were done to eliminate items of the defect lists (the plasters highlighting the defects were all gone)
Used dear's handphone to take some pictures... can only take it from the void deck.. but am really contended..
Visited forum just now... The blk beside us got their letter to collect keys.. Their appt is on 12 Feb... My blk and that blk received the loan letter at the same time.. so our appt date to key collections shld be fast... Yippee....
I'm counting down now to getting the letter from HDB.. Will be diligently opening my letter box everyday now -P

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