Jul 2012
Changed my IC finally... after receiving a warning letter...opps...
Kaden started 2 separate enrichment classes…
English Speech & Drama class @ Little Explorers, Hougang Green
Kaden used to attend playgroup at little explorers and he simply loved all the teachers there. This time round, when he went there for enrichment class, he was super happy. His English had also improved significantly after attending the classes. Daddy & mummy simply love to see how much Kaden had enjoyed himself at school.
Aikido class @ Aikido Forest, Serangoon Garden Branch
We brought Kaden for his 1st movie… Ice Age 4… It was quite a success, though he was asking lots of questions about the show and he even dozed off during the last bit of the movie… But he managed to sit still while watching the show and didn’t scream or shout to say he want to get out of the theatre. He was instead very fascinated by the music so much that till date, he even remembers the lyrics and the dance move…
Daddy decided to make a career switch this year. He spent his last month at the bank, having farewell lunches and dinners with all his beloved colleagues whom he had worked with for the past 9 years. Though sad, for having to part with a good working team, he reckons he must move on for better career progression. But no worries, 天下没有不散的宴席.
Aug 2012
Daddy was enjoying some garden leaves in early Aug, so off we went for a stay vacation at RWS from 1st to 4th Aug. We booked 2 family deluxe rooms at Festive Hotels. My in-laws family and the maid took 1 room, while we took the other one, with my mum and sister dropping by to bunk in with us for the 1st night. We had an enjoyable time at Sentosa.
Reyes visited Universal Studios for the 1st time although I don’t think he know what is going on. Kaden went on almost all the rides that his height can allow him to. Conclusion… we loved USS. We are even exploring the idea of taking up a membership for it.
Dear started work at the new bank in August. 1st 2 months were honeymoon period for him as it was training months. Good and bad… but I was happy… This was because his training site is at Changi Business Park and he can fetch me off work… ke ke ke
We were very adventurous being 2nd time parents. This time, we brought Kaden & Reyes out for lunch, the 1st with the house of Js at a Japanese restaurant at Bishan. The older kids had a happy time while Reyes spent most of his time napping.
In August, we brought Kaden to attend his 1st ice cream making session, together with Jovin & Jovan. He transformed into a little chef and ate up all the ice cream that he made. He sure had a fun time with Jovin & Jovan. Together with 4 kids, we settled for dinner at Ang Mo Kio, New York New York. Reyes was happily napping away again while the 3 older kids had fun fighting over eating baked rice and making funny faces.
I myself had a personal outing too… my AJC classmates gathering at Rendezvous Hotel… 1998, I entered into Junior College and 14 years later in 2012, we were still in contact to meet up for high tea… The most wonderful thing is all of us didn’t really age that much… It‘s an wonderful afternoon spent… Some ME time and some good catch up with old friends…
Sep 2012
Sep is a birthday month as both Daddy and myself are Sep babies… Spent our birthdays as 2nd time parents… Mixed emotions but aren’t I glad that we had Kaden and Reyes…
Being the month of the lantern festival, I brought the boys to Chinese Garden as well as the lantern festival carnival at RC Serangoon… It was Reyes’ 1st participation… Although he doesn’t know how to hold a lantern yet, he is definitely happy in looking at all the lights… Happy boys & joyous festival…
Oct 2012
Kaden attended a trial class at Seriously Fun and well demonstrated his flair at sports i.e. jumping, running, soccer, tennis… Though he had fun, the course fee is relatively expensive… Decided that we should engage Kaden in the jumping, running, soccer and tennis ourselves… KS mummy trying not to waste too much $$$!!!
Kaden participated in his 1st ever school concert. It was held at Singapore Conference Hall on 28th Oct… We left Reyes with my mum and we, with my in-laws attended the concert.. Though we were seated in the last few rows of the hall, we could clearly see Kaden when he appeared on stage… I never ever would have thought my Kaden could perform on stage… Really happy!!! I even bought all the photos that has Kaden in it for the concert even though he might not be in the lead or he is not looking at the camera and the fact that the photos are priced at $1.50 per piece and the size is only 4R... After all, this is Kaden’s 1st and I would want him to go through some photos in future when he is older…

We tried renting toys for the 1st time ever… For Kaden, a BBQ grill set to reward him for his behavior and to keep him “busy” during the school holiday... For Reyes, a jumperoo to allow him to jump up and down on his own, and of course to relieve the adults from having tired hands while holding him to jump up and down… We picked up the toys ourselves… The boys “kept” it for a month… And the rental company collected it a month later… Though not cheap, but at least we don’t get to keep the items, hence not issue on storage… Thumbs up, I will say…
Brought Reyes to the zoo for the 1st time also… Kaden said since March, he had not visited the zoo for very long time… so to utilize the zoo passes for the last time, off we went to the zoo again…
For myself, I bid farewell to all my good colleagues at the company whom I have been seconded to for the past 2.5 years… I learnt a lot during my span there and I also made some really good friends… it was a bitter sweet moment during my last day at work as I shook hands with my boss and my co-workers who I had worked with and built close relationship with during the past year… But of course, again… 天下没有不散的宴席..
Nov 2012
I reported back at work in HQ on 1st November… Glad to be back… Look forward to working with “new” colleagues and learning new things in the new year…
Reyes turns 6 months old on 9th Nov… Bought him a cake, or to be specific, a baby cake that is allergy free i.e. egg free, milk free, nut free etc… The cake looked beautiful but taste… YUCKS!!! Though I dun like it personally, we are happy that we can offer a little bit to our little Reyes since it is supposed to be baby friendly…
Daddy joined RC and went for his first RC meeting… Three claps for him who is willing to sacrifice himself for the future of his boys… Hopefully his sacrifice is worth it…
Celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary… Dear & I brought Kaden along to Taka for a breather. We had a pleasant surprise as Kaden & I caught our favorite characters Elmo & Cookie Monster… Looking forward to our 7th anniversary as Reyes will be joining us in the celebration…
Dec 2012
Reyes went on his 1st overseas trip with the family to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 5th to 8th Dec to visit his great grandma. We were initially worried about the flight, diet of the boys and their sleeping habits… All these worries were unfound for…
Flight : Reyes remained a very happy boy, jumping up and down on my lap and occasionally snatching food from me and Kaden… There are toddlers and babies crying on board but that did not affect Reyes at all. Kaden took his own seat and meals like a young adult… He even knew how to go through the menu and ordered for him a snack pack…When come to crying toddlers and babies, this little boy of mine even know how to tell me… “Mummy, why is he crying? It is so noisy!”… Isn’t this hilarious?
Diet : We brought the slow cooker and some ingredients along to cook porridge for Reyes. Reyes is a true blue porridge lover, just like Daddy and he finished every bit of it twice a day. Kaden eats whatever we eat, so totally not a problem. Bringing him for the trip is a breeze.
Sleeping habit : The boys really 去到那里, 睡到哪里. They even slept later than usual compared to if they were at home…
The trip was fruitful and good… Looking forward to our next holiday in 2013.
Kaden is officially toilet trained during the day… Throughout our KL holidays, he did not put on any diapers in the day, but only during bed time at night. 3 cheers for my boy. Hope I can toilet trained him for the night too.
We had our 1st family shoot at Fullerton. It was hot but windy… In the end, my hair was messy… And maybe Reyes was too young, unable to sit pretty straight and was not very focusing on the camera… In the end, the photos were pretty nice thought we can do better if the setting was indoor… Going to work out our sums to do an indoor photo shoot when the boys are older…
Reyes attended his 1st xmas party at our annual CLDDs xmas party… 7 kids… The boys are super happy with their take aways