We did lots of great things and achieved lots of mile stones… Here are some recaps of what happened during the 1st half of the year…
Jan 2012
Kaden embarked his pre-nursery journey at his new school… His 1st time ever… Taking school bus all by himself to and from the school. Though he cried a bit initially due to separation anxiety, but he soon loved the trip and even made friends with the school bus auntie.
Mar 2012
We visited the zoo for the 1st time with our best couple pals, or should I say, best family pals now… The 3 kids had a rolling good time at the zoo. Daddy and Kaden even had their 1st elephant ride. Mummy with a big tummy is of course, spared from all the climbing.
Apr 2012
We made another investment in property. Another source of income… 3 cheers for us… We loved the new place as it is comparable to our Atrina unit… Hmmm, will it be our retirement unit in future?
May 2012
9th May 2012 marks a significant change in our life. From 3, we expanded into a family of 4. Welcome to our life, little Reyes. Looking forward to your growing journey, just like your kor kor Kaden.
Kaden held his 1st ever birthday celebration in school on 21st May. It was 2 weeks earlier than his actual day to avoid the school holidays. Goodie bags were prepared way before hand and cupcakes were ordered for the event. I even sneaked out during my confinement period to attend the celebration in school.
Jun 2012
Happening month for the Lim Family…
On 2nd Jun, Kaden turns officially turns 3. We had a mini celebration for him at home. We invited our caterpillar uncle & his family, our best family pals and of course, the kids’ favorite, Auntie Bao. Kaden also had his favorite care bears cake from Pine Garden. With lots of presents from the entire uncle, auntie and jie jie and kor kor, Kaden is a very happy boy.
Since the birth of Reyes, we had tried to shower Kaden with a little more attention as we didn’t want him to feel left out. Compliments of Ah Yee, Kaden got a chance to build a bear. He had proudly named it “Kaden Bear” and even chose a basketball jersey for the bear.
In June, Reyes turned one month old. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, Reyes is supposed to turn one month old on 8th Jun. Hence, on that day, we engaged professionals to shave his head (just like Kaden). After which, we offered prayers to both family ancestors. On 10th Jun, we held a mini celebration for him at our condo’s function room, where we invited our relatives and our closest groups of friends, from CLDDs and ZHSS to join us in the joyous occasion.
Reyes also went on his 1st outdoor trip with both grandpas and grandmas. We celebrated Father’s Day at Canto-I at Ion Orchard. Thumbs up for the courage and efforts =D