After Kaden's full mth celebration, this is the 2nd time that the Sunshine Gang are meeting Kaden.. And Kaden is wide awake =D
Dennis & Krystine gotta carry Kaden... But Kaden started to recogn pple, so by the time it's Weiling's turn to carry him, Kaden actually start crying..
Bj's aircon is down, so the place was quite stuffy.. Little Kaden can't stand heat.. So he became more cranky... we din stay too long..
Though the visit is short, Dear and I were happy that we brought Little Kaden out..

Dear bought me a maternity pillow when I'm pregnant.. It helped to support my back cos I experienced very bad back pain during the pregnancy..
I'm surprised that the maternity pillow is still useful, after I gave birth.. Now I am using it to support Kaden, when he sit on the sofa... Dun he jus look adorable...
Kaden took his 1st bite at brown rice cereal not long ago... At 1st, he was in a lying down position.. Now he is sitting up... Then we changed again.. Now we added the brown rice cereal in his milk.. Much cleaner.. Much faster.. =D
Happy Kaden... Happy Daddy & Mummy...