Sunday, April 19, 2009
Babies are expensive...
O_O Faint.. so expensive..
Here's some things that we bought for Kaden...
(1) Baby detergent for washing the clothes + refill..
(2) Pampers for new born
(3) Napkin liners
(4) 2 in 1 baby wash... small bottle for trying out.. hee hee can't resist it...
Can't believe it, right... O_O
Opps... 童言无忌
KK 2 sons were having fun, fighting with one of the son of Kumar's relatives... Can you imagine 2 against 1... After a while of fighting, the indian kid ran off... Then KK's younger son commented... "Indian boys don't know how to fight".. opps... that's from a 4 yrs old kids... Kids are kids... Really 童言无忌..
But then, despite that statement, you can see that after a while, the 3 little boys start to play together again.. So funny.. a while ago.. Fight.. you lose... Lousy.. Then a while later.. let's play again.. Ke ke ke
Dear said that boys' 1st instinct are fighting.. That set me thinking.. Dear's 1st instinct when young is "FIGHT"... will Kaden be like him too? Like father, like son... Hee hee hee...
Gotcha.... Caught in Act.....
Last Tuesday, Dear was home late cos he gotta attend a training course.. I was at home, with Kaden waiting for him to come home.. I had some light snacks cos it was near dinner time and Kaden was kicking away.. But the snacks din seemed to quieten down our little Kaden.. He was happily kicking away.. Then an evil plan strike...
I went to take the digital cam from my room and made it on stand by mood to try to catch Kaden's kicking me =D ha ha ha.. Bingo... I caught Kaden in the act.. I showed dear the short videos clips and he was laughing away... After that, we showed the videos to both our parents and they were so happy that their little grandson is so healthy and strong.. Of course, they also "reprimanded" Kaden for bullying Mummy.. But then, i think that's only an act...
Anyway, both dear and me were happy to see Kaden kicking away.. But then, Kaden, pls kick lighter next time.. It's painful for Mummy =D
Here's 3 of the videos where Kaden's kicks and tsunami waves were so so obvious...
Caught in Act 001 - Look out for the powerful kicks at 4 seconds.. you won't believe that is Kaden =D
Caught in Act 002 - Look out for the powerful kicks at 10 seconds plus and 30 seconds.. Yap.. that's our little Kaden kicking m =D
Caught in Act 003 - Look out for the powerful kicks after 20 seconds.. did you see the waves =D
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Thanks... Frenzs =D
The old folks believed that by wearing some clothes passed down by 大哥哥 will bring Kaden luck.. Kaden will grow up strong & healthy like all the 大哥哥... Our best frenz couple gave us some of Jovan's clothes.. Thanks Pal... The clothes are so pretty.. My colleagues also gave me some of her son's clothes... Thanks.. HuiKian... Now Kaden got quite a bit of clothes...
Now on the agenda is to get a wardrobe to put all the clothes in.. Will be on a shopping spree to buy more things meant for Kaden =D Keep a look out for more updates =D

Kaden's 收获 from Sunway Lagoon
My MIL selected a few for his one mth celebration party.. the red t-shirt and the jumper suit chosen.. Kaden's grannywas so happy that she was grinning all the way... The bear full suit was also chosen by her... She bought all of them for our little Kaden.. the clothes are quite expensive though.. I told u.. Kaden is lucky... Not sure if Kaden can fit into them, though their size is for New Born to 3 mths.... but at least granny is happy =D Kaden's aunt bought him 2 VCDs from Sesame Street also... They are for 3 mths to 3 years old.. Bought them cos they are cheap... hee hee... KS Mummy...
I spotted this cute T-shirt and pant (orange & blue color) in one of the shop... Loved the sentence.. "Little Charmer Just Like My Dad"... and it's really cheap.. so i bought them for our Kaden also...
Sigh.. I din buy anything except for a jacket.. the jeans are so so cheap there cos there's sales ongoing.. I could only watch... Muz go back there again once i give birth.. hee hee... But then.. Kaden will have grown and I'm sure I'll buy more things for him.. Ha ha ha.. That's Mummy's love =D

3D2N Sunway Lagoon Getaway
Had lunch at the public food court outside the hotel.. Only one word can describe.. YUMMY... Then we tried some xiao long bao at a restaurant inside the shopping centre.. Equally YUMMY... wow.. all we ae doing were eating =D

Saturday, April 11, 2009
Kaden @ 7 Mths
That's what Dr Adrian commented on 7th Apr, when Mummy visited him... Dr Adrian said I wld be growing even further, in my last 3 mths.. So mummy had to be more careful.. slower in walking.. slower in all movement ....
Mummy was worried that I'll be too fat. so she asked the doc if my weight was okie... Dr Adrian looked at my weight and commented.. he's growing fine.. acceptable weight ** grin ** .. Mummy... Stop commenting that I'm fat.. ha ha ha..
Daddy showed my scan to granny.. she was smiling all the way.. Both granny and daddy commented that I have 'kok' forehead.. just like mummy.. can u see it from my latest scan?
Now that I'm in my 7th mths... Dr Adrian will be seeing me more often... In another 3 wks times, I'll visit him again.. hope i'm not growing as fat as what Mummy think I'll =D
So excited to see the world soon =D
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Grandpa & Grandma... Have fun in China =D
So nice.. Too bad, me, baby Kaden is not born yet, so I have to wait till I'm older...
Hope they hav fun... and rem to buy me nice nice clothes =D